The Mother Landscape
Reconnecting to Unconditional Love
Finding the Sacred Within
Weekend Retreat - October 4-6, 2024
Can you feel it?
The stirring in your heart, the longing for something more,
the call of the Ancient Mother?
How do you feel when you think of your own mother?
We all have a very unique and profound relationship with our mothers, those who gave birth to us or those who acted as mother to us. These relationships shape us in deep and lasting ways, often pushing buttons we forgot we even had.
What we don’t always experience is the unconditional love that “mother” represents. From the moment we are separated from our mother at birth, we crave a deep connection, a bond that resonates with the safety and love we knew before birth.
There is another mother, however,
who sustains us all of our life: Mother Earth.
Join us on this transformative journey to reconnect with the Mother who loves us all — unconditionally. We will explore, in a safe and loving space, a reconnection to body and spirit — to ourselves, to our tribe, and to the nurturing embrace of nature.

We talk about the retreat
Moira Scullion & Jean Tindle
Join co-facilitators Jean Tindle & Moira Scullion for a transformative retreat weekend immersed in the ancient wisdom of the Mother Earth/Pachamama/Gaia. Medicine women extraordinaire, Moira and Jean have 50 years combined experience in healing work, shamanic practice, and facilitating spiritual growth for others.