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Connecting to the Medicine of your Soul by Following the Energy

Moira Scullion

Updated: Dec 31, 2024

A place to explore our inner world and the magical,

weird, challenging and beautiful expressions of healing.

meditation in bamboo hut

Connecting to Medicine of the Soul

by Following the Energy

The next understanding is to let your witness follow the energy and expression of it.

Hello, beautiful beings! I hope this past month has brought new awareness to what’s showing up in your life. Have you been tuning in to the sensations of your body, noticing how it reacts to external events?

Last month, we began with the practice of cultivating awareness, inviting your inner witness—your Higher Self, Divine Mind, or Soul—into conscious engagement. This witness sees your life from a broader perspective, like standing on top of a mountain, able to view the landscape of your life with clarity and compassion, without getting caught in the details of ego or human reactions.

Now that you’ve begun cultivating this witness, it’s time to listen to what your body is telling you. Your bodily sensations are rich with information about how your inner world is processing the external. The challenge now is simple yet profound: do nothing, except have compassion for yourself.

Find moments to sit quietly and be present with whatever is arising. Let’s say you were triggered earlier in the day—set aside time to reflect on how that experience affected your body. Ground yourself with deep breaths, placing a hand on your heart. Focus on gratitude first, allowing it to anchor you in the present. Then, gently bring to mind the experience that triggered you, but don’t get lost in the story—just notice where it lands in your body.

Pay attention to what ‘lights up’—a place in your body that calls for attention. Without judgment, simply observe the sensations. Are there emotions tied to these sensations? Allow your witness to notice, but not judge. If judgment arises, recognize it as the ego, and return to compassion.

Allow these lively contractions, which are like tense knots inside you, the room to unravel. Your role is not to repair or alter anything, but to provide these aspects of yourself with space to manifest. While you remain in silence, notice how the feelings change and develop. If it seems like nothing is happening, be patient and continue to stay present. Your mind, visions, or emotions might surface—this is how your inner self communicates. Simply observe and track the energy as it flows or settles.

Hold this process as you would for a dear friend. If your friend were sharing a painful experience, you wouldn’t try to fix it—you’d listen with love and compassion. Do the same for yourself. Allow your energy body to express what it has been holding, giving it space to tell its story. If you feel called, express this energy through journaling, drawing, dancing, or crying—whatever feels natural.

Be mindful not to rush this process. Healing unfolds in its own time, much like untangling a tightly knotted chain. Sometimes it loosens easily, sometimes it takes patience and breaks. Trust this rhythm. Honor your boundaries and allow the space needed for your wounds to release, little by little. Also be aware that sometimes what is cought in these contractions is too much to process alone. If something is not revealing its deeper layers it might just mean that the energy needs a bigger container and another witness to make it feel safe enough to show itself.

Be gentle with yourself. Healing doesn’t need to be forced. Healing happens slowly as we give space in the present moment. Grant yourself compassion for your past experience and reactions to it. Give yourself the grace and compassion you freely give others. Love this part of you that was hurt and have compassion for this present process as well.   Let the energy guide you, and know that each step, no matter how small, is part of your unfolding.  

Next month we’ll continue to explore how we can work with these contractions a bit more. How we can give them more space to reveal themselves to us. We'' begin to see how their presence has been a gift to us, can support our continued growth and connect ourselves to the Medicine of the Soul.  


If you come across a contraction and you feel like it/you needs more support

then reach out for this kind of remote session with me. Click Here 



A few spots left for our WEEKEND RETREAT!

Reconnecting with Unconditional Love

October 4-6, 2024

Co-hosting is Jean Tindle

View this brief video featuring Jean and me discussing why we are being called to offer this retreat.



May your healing be mine and my healing be yours.

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I post tidbits on energy, spirituality, and medicine.

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